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All the news, blogs and social networks on one simple interface. Choose your favorite topics, news sources, social networks, and blogs or just read our editor’s picks to quickly catch up on the most important news updated throughout the day. Read articles in the Anews app or directly on the original source. Our intuitive design allows you to navigate with ease through news media sources and topics. The interface is scrollable vertically as well as horizontally, putting the ultimate freedom of navigation in your hands. Comment, like and share articles with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or email.

Don’t waste your time opening multiple news apps and sites – get the information you need in one place.

• Your personalized newsfeed organized by your favorite topics – such as “Business”, “Technology”, “Entertainment” and many more!
• Share news with your network on your social media pages or through e-mail
• Catch up on your social network feeds (Facebook, Twitter, and others) directly in the app
• Save your favorite articles for later